Duties of Committee Members

West DC Job Descriptions
These job descriptions have not been reviewed against updated CTT Regulations but the tasks remain extant.  They are being hosted here so that the history of the West DC roles and responsiblities are not lost.


  • Chair the District AGM (Standing Order 3 P83)
  • Chair other District meetings (Standing Order 3 P83)
  • Chair District Committee meetings (Standing Order 3 P83)
  • Appoint sub committees to consider disciplinary hearings (R&R 4.c3 P331)
  • On receiving a request for an event cancellation. Inform the committee, and co-ordinate with Open Events secretary over cancellation (Regulation 4 P338) [Note that the Open Event Secretary will produce the reply]

Hon. Secretary

  • Keep a register of affiliated clubs (Article 29. la P76)
  • Arrange District Committee meetings with 7 day’s notice (Article 29.1b P76)
  • Keep minutes of all meetings (Article 29. lc P76)
  • Attend to correspondence (Article 29. Id P76)
  • Administer the business of the DC (Article 29. i.e. P76)
  • Send report of District Council meetings to the National Secretary (Article 29.1.f P76)
  • Send names and addresses of the District Committee to National Secretary within 10 days of the District AGM (Article 29.1.g P76)
  • Give notice of the District AGM (at least 6 weeks before the meeting) (Article 27.1 P75)
  • Receive items for the Agenda of the District AGM (Article 27.2 P75)
  • Send agenda papers for the District AGM to member clubs (at least 2 weeks before the meeting) (Article 27.3 P75)
  • Receive any objection to the organisation of a time trial (GN P.41)
  • Give notice of any other District Meetings to member clubs (at least 14 day’s notice (Article 28.1 P75)


Hon. Treasurer

  • Receive club affiliations (unless paid online) (Article 7.1 P.69) (Article 31.1 P76)
  • Receive monies on behalf of the District Council (Article 29.2.a P76)
  • Forward monies to the National Treasurer from time to time or at request of National Treasurer (Article 29.2.b P76)
  • Discharge the financial liabilities of the DC as instructed by the DC from monies received from the National Treasurer (Article 29.2.c P76)
  • Keep an accurate record of income and expenditure (Article 29.2.d P76)
  • Provide financial reports to the DC (Article 29.2.e P76)
  • Make returns for all events held in the district for which levy is received within 14 days of the end of month. (Article 29.2.f P76)
  • Receive levy from events, record receipt, and bank the levy (DoPS P94/95, Reg 28 P347)
  • Where a levy has not been received within 7 days of an open event, chase up the event secretary. (Reg 28 P347).  This duty is overtaken by the system of electronic payments from CTT central to clubs and their organisers.

Asst. Hon. Secretary (Open Events)

  • Send out applications forms for Open events to club sectaries in
  • July/August/September (DoPS P91/94)
  • Organise a Date Fixing Meeting (DoPS P91)
  • Organiser the Open Event calendar
  • Identify events that cross into neighbouring districts, and inform those districts of the event (DoPS P91)
  • Receive any updates to Open Events during the year, inform national (DopS P91)
  • Receive police notification (copy) of events from event sectaries. (DoPS P91/94)
  • Receive items for the agenda for district meetings (at least 10 days before the meeting) (Article 28.2 P75)
  • Send the agenda for district meetings to member clubs (at least 5 days before the meeting) (Article 28.3 P75)
  • Matters for publication (Standing order 16 P84)
  • Receive accident reports from Events, record band analyses such reports (DoPS P93)
  • Receive reports of regulation infringements, set up a sub-committee to hold Disciplinary Hearing, act on the findings within 28 days (R&R i.e. 2. P329 3d P330)
  • Receive appeals from individuals, set up/pass to sub-committee, act on the findings (R&R If P329, 3b. 3c P330, 8e P333)
  • Notify individuals concerned with regulation infringement within 72 hours of the allegation (R&R 3a P330)
  • Notify individuals concerned with regulation infringement of a Disciplinary Hearing in writing and recoded delivery (R&R 3e P330, R&R 10a P334)
  • In association with the Open Events Secretary, call a date fixing meeting for Open events for the coming year, no later than October. (Regulation 4, P337)
  • On receiving a request for an event cancelation. Inform the committee, and co-ordinate with Open Events secretary over cancelation (Regulation 4 P338) [Note that the Open Event Secretary will produce the reply]
  • Forward any Police Notification received onto the RA secretary. (Reg 27b.P345)
  • Keep and maintain districts lists of: -time keepers  -assistant time keepers  -handicappers  -course measurers (Reg 33. P348)
  • Receive suggestions for new courses from clubs, forward onto committee.
  • Pass decisions made back to the clubs (regulation 36, P349)

Asst. Hon. Secretary (Club Events)

  • Organise with clubs, a list of club events for the coming year, no later than 28th February (Regulation 3. P338)
  • Ensure all club events start after sunrise and can be completed before sunset. (Regulation 3. P338)
  • Maintain Local Regulations (Reg 38 P349)
  • Received records of accidents and maintain records. (Regulation 43. P350)
  • Receive Start sheets from event organisers (5 days before event). Keep record of Event Start sheets (DoPS P93)
  • Receive Reports of any issues in events, and keep record and correlate such issues, deal with any actions arising from issues (DoPS P93)
  • Receive any complaints escalated from events, process complaints, set up a sub-committee if required (DoPS P95)
  • Receive Results sheets from event organisers (within 28 days of an event). Keep record of Results Sheets (DoPS P94/95)
  • Discuss with the Secretary, a date fixing meeting for Open events for the coming year, no later than October. (Regulation 4, P337)
  • Receive applications for Open Events for the coming season and process them as required. (Regulation 4, P337)
  • Forward details of the Open Events for the coming year to the National Secretary no later than 25th October. (Regulation 4, P337)
  • Ensure all open events start after sunrise and can be completed before sunset. (Regulation 3. P338)
  • Coordinate any proposed changes to open events during the year (Regulation 4 P338)
  • On receiving a request for an event cancelation. Inform the committee, and chair possible discussions, reach conclusion on event cancelation. Inform the event. (Regulation 4 P338)
  • Forward any Police Notification received onto the RA secretary. (Reg 27b. P345)
  • Receive any start sheets sent out by open events (Reg 27e P345)
  • Receive any results sheets sent out by open events (Reg 27j P346)


Asst. Hon. Secretary (Risk Assessments)

  • Provide up to date Risk assessments for events, at least 8 weeks before an event (DoPS P91/94)
  • Provide Course description for events, at least 8 weeks before an event (DoPS P91/94)
  • updates to RA, and maintain the currents RAs. (DoPS P92 & P93)
  • Receive On-The-Day Risk Assessments, decide if risk need adding to the general RA (DoPS P94)
  • Receive any new RAs (e.g. for new courses), forward to the committee for approval, and manage the approval of the RA (e.g. though iterations with the club) (GN22 Risk Assessment Approval P97)
  • Ensure that RAs are reviewed annually, and updated as necessary (GN22 Maintaining the Risk Assessment Document P98)
  • Receive copy Police Notification Form (PNF) from events. Where a form has not been received 6 weeks before an event, chase the event organiser (Reg 27,b P345 with additions)


Ordinary Committee Member

  • Attend Committee Meetings and AGM when called
  • Review Committee material when sent out for review
  • Provide representation of clubs and riders to the District Committee
  • Provide feedback on CTT West Website and any other material as required
  • One to attend the CTT AGM