Organising An Event

If you are the event organiser it can feel a bit over whelming, especially if it is your first time and your predecessor gave you a random set of files and loose bits of paper with "don't worry, it's all in there".  The CTT website is quite daunting as you don't know which of these documents you really need to read.  CTT Organiser's Information Web Page.  (This includes PNFs, Accident Forms, Guidance on event signage, etc)

However, it reality it is quite simple and if you follow a process all will be well.  (If anyone wants to add details or thinks there are errors in the process, missing actions for example, please let Paul Winchcombe know and he can edit as he sees fit.)  If you need advice please do contact Paul.

In the Autumn of the year before the event your club will have agreed to host an Open event and you will probably have agreed then to be the event organiser.  This should mean that the date has been set, the course has been chosen, the entry fee determined and details submitted to CTT for inclusion in the website and the CTT Handbook. This is part of the event date fixing activity for which the timetable is:

August - CTT send out request to Districts to collate their events for the following year
             - West DC Events Secretary sends out calling notice to all clubs, all previous organisers and asks for replies before the cut off submission date
September - clubs hold their own date fixing activity and submit to West DC Events Secretary
                   - Events Secretary attempts to deconflict District Open Events and even them out over the season
                   - District holds a confirmation meeting to approve the Open Events list
October - Events Secretary submits District Open Events list to CTT
November - Events Secretary starts process again for Club Events.

The table below picks up the story in the "race" year and is based on one I prepared for myself over 10 years ago when the job came my way.

Trigger Point


Start of year

Realise that you don't have to do this on your own!
Start asking club members for help provisionally for the date of your event
Book event HQ - should really be done in the Autumn as they get booked up really early
Confirm Timekeepers

CTT Events list goes live

Check Details of event are correct in CTT Handbook and on website

2 months before event

48 Day Police Notification Form (PNF) submission recommended date

This is latest date of 28 Days for PNF

Get Updated Risk Assessment Forms from District Sec - from website
Appoint club start and finish officials
Latest submission of PNF 1 copy to appropriate police force, 1 copy to West DC Risk Assessment Secretary
Check course against Risk Assessment and update as necessary. Observers - risk assessment will say how many but note not every turn needs to be observed.
West DC Risk Assessment Sec sends out reminders to event organisers at least 4 weeks prior to the event.  CTT Guide says 8 weeks

14 days prior to the event

Check for roadworks to ensure that your event can run
If necessary liaise with roadwork managers, they can often neutralise lights on minor roads at weekends
If roadworks are due to complete shortly before you event it is worth contacting the responsible organisation to let them know that there is an event taking place. 
(In 2022 reporting "phantom" roadworks led to the utility company being fined as they had not complied with their permission to be on the network.)
If you need to cancel your event then try to do this by the Sunday before the event closes to give riders a chance to enter another event
Send out a notification to riders
Process for cancelling an event: let's hope you don't need it

As entries arrive

Most entries today are via the CTT electronic system but if you receive paper entries:

  • Collect your entries in a safe place.
  • Check they are on the current issue form.
  • Check they are completed correctly, signed and the rider is a member of an affiliated Club.
  • Return, or contact any rider that has sent an incomplete form.

Juniors must have sent in a signed Parental Consent form too.

You cannot accept riders into your event until after it has closed and therefore you cannot prepare your start sheet.  If your event is oversubcribed do not accept your riders until you have worked out your "cut off" time and how many reserves you have. Places are allocated to the fastest riders unless there has been a special condition declared in advance.

Tuesday 2 weeks prior to event

Event entry closing date - 2359 hrs, electronic system closes
Draw up start list
Select your final field and return any entries that have not qualified
Prepare your start sheet.
The Start sheet must contain the following information:

Promoted for and on behalf of Cycling Time Trials under their Rules and Regulations

It is also recommended that you include:

Riders should ensure that they know the course. 
Riders must have a working front and rear light and wear a hardshell helmet.

It should also include the riders number, his name, club and start time. Details of the HQ, how long it takes to get to the start and a safe route to and from the start/finish. Names of the time keepers Course details. The timekeepers names. Prize list, including how the prize money will be presented, and organisers contact details. Any safety notes from the RA or other safety measures you wish to draw to the riders attention.

Submit Start Sheet to CTT via electronic system
Submit club event cover sheet to CTT system

At least 5 days before event

Send out your Start Sheets. Don't forget the time keepers, observers and District Secretary and Treasurer; who do not get an automated notification of publication. The levy is now managed electronically via the online entry system.
Prepare the signing on sheet.
Latest date to have sent out start sheet or riders will be getting worried and SpinData will not have the data for its caculation overnight on the Wednesday
Send start sheet to Time trialling forum and they will put it up
Ensure you know the precise start and finish.

At least two days before the event

Check availability of observer(s), helpers and HQ.
Check you have a full set of race numbers, with pins.
Prepare results board.
Prepare prize money (unless being sent out with results).
Check you have all the signs required, including the finish board or flag.

Race Day

Relax - well not quite

Prior to the Event

Signs. Ensure the signs are correctly positioned.
Risk Assessment. If you spot any new hazards make a note of them on the On the Day Risk Assessment form and what action, if any, you took. Complete the On the Day Risk Assessment form. (This need only be returned if an additional hazard was noted). Save the form.

Allocate an area for the riders to sign on and have the numbers ready.
Riders must sign on and should only get their number once they have done so. If you have any outstanding problems with entries, put the riders number to one side and only issue it when the problem has been resolved.

Riders must complete the signing on sheet.

Riders not from your club. Riders must be a member of another club affiliated to the CTT, unless the event has been officially designated as a Come and Try It event. For those riders you must have a record of their name and address and an emergency contact.

At the HQ check arrival of all officials and ensure the observer(s) have jackets and flags and know where they are stationed

During the event

Riders must have a 20 x 20cm fluorescent number pinned on their back
Bikes must have a fitted, working and turned on front and rear red light on the start line
All riders must wear a Hard shell helmet
If a problem occurs during an event, the Organiser is responsible for taking whatever action they deem appropriate to ensure the riders safety. Delay, cancel or put out additional signs or observers
If an accident occurs firstly ensure the safety of other riders.
An accident report form must be completed and sent to the District Secretary as soon as possible.
In the event of an accident the signing on sheet must be retained for 7 years.

After the event

Check that all riders that started the event are accounted for, either with a completion time or a DNF.
Phone or e-mail the results to the press – Snowden Sports publish CTT article.
Refer any complaints, or any accident reports, to the District Secretary
Notify the riders of their times. For any doing personal bests they will need to know the course number and the winners time should they wish to compete in an open event.
Payment of levies. The levy is £5 per rider in each Open event and is deducted by CTT based on the submitted start sheet. For Club Type B events ensure that your records of riders is kept up to date and send the total levy, £3 per rider, to the treasurer very shortly after your last event.

Within 28 days of the event


Prepare and despatch a results sheet to all the riders, checking the times against the timekeepers list. Include a copy to the officials and the District Secretary.
if prizes were not presented at the event include them with the results sheet.
Return the On the Day risk Assessment form to RA Secretary, if additional risks were noted.



Relax. Enjoy the thought that you have put on a good event and a lot of riders have had a good day thanks to you and your team.
Full details of all the open events in the UK can be found in the CTT Handbook or online, together with lots more information. Copies can be purchased from CTT

Other points for organisers:

  • Riders don't race for prize money, so if your field is small reduce the prize money to help you break even
  • Riders like cake and tea after an event, especially longer and harder ones, but if you struggle to make a profit from providing refreshments then don't.  I always buy a selection of cakes I would like myself and then reimburse my club for those I take home to eat myself.
  • Courses need a lot of signage, if your club doesn't have enough then ask a local club if they can lend you some rather than buying more.  Signage can be bought, along with numbers, for a reasonable price from JV Graphics -
  • Time Keepers are a rare breed, book them well in advance and be nice to them.  A list of time keepers is at:  It is usual to pay your Time Keeper travelling expenses.  There is no set rate, so ask your Time Keeper or offer them breakfast or other inducement.
  • Volunteers are also a scarce asset and often the same people every year, so do plan ahead.  Let your club know well in advance that an event is coming up and reach out personally.  Social media posts do not generally elicit a significant response.
  • HQs don't have to be smart. A gazebo in a public car park where there are public toilets or in a pub car park may be cheaper than the local town hall and works just as well. Scale your ambitions to the size of your event.
  • Levies are set by CTT at £5 for Open Events and £3 for Club Events and are deducted from your entry fee before the money is paid to your account.  This provides you insurance and also runs the CTT; website, staff, committee, etc