Event Organiser's Guides - Club Type B Events

Below is a guide to what is involved with organising a Type B Club evetn and a schedule for how and when things need to be done, they are designed to allow events to run smoothly, and are not a daunting as they might first appear.
If you are interested in organising an event and would like some more advice then feel free to contact any of the Committee members or often you will find your club has someone that has done it in the past and has good local knowlledge too.

Note that full guidance is given on the CTT main website: https://www.cyclingtimetrials.org.uk/documents/index/organisers and West DC have further guidance for Open Events which may also help club organisers.

Information for Club Event Organisers - Type B Events
October/November Decide what events your club wants to run the following year, when they want to run them and on which course
December Apply to the Club Events Secretary for permission to run the events
Submit the .csv file downloadable from the club section of the CTT Website
At least 28 days before the first event. Complete and send a Notice of Time Trial Form (Police Notification) to each Constabulary that your events pass through. Send a copy to the Club Events Secretary at the same time.
Failure to send these forms in time enables the police to refuse permission for the event.

Risk assessment. Obtain an up to date risk assesment for each course you are using from the RA Secretary or review the website hosted RA. This will show you where you need to place signs and any restrictions on the use of the course.

Risk Assessments are hosted on this website and should be reviewed prior to use and any updates submittted to the RA Secretary.

Prior to the Event

Signs. Ensure the signs are correctly positioned.

  Risk Assessment. If you spot any new hazards make a note of them on the On the Day Risk Assessment form and what action, if any, you took. Complete the On the Day Risk Assessment form. (This need only be returned if an additional hazrd was noted). Save the form.
  Riders must complete the signing on sheet.
  Riders not from your club. Riders must be a member of another club affiliated to the CTT, unless the event has been officially designated as a Come and Try It event. For those riders you must have a record of their name and address and an emergency contact.
During the event Riders must have a 20 x 20cm flourescent number pinned on their back.
  All riders must have a working front and rear light (turned on) at the start.
  All riders must wear a Hard shell helmet

If a problem occurs during an event, the Organiser is responsible for taking whatever action they deem appropriate to ensure the riders safety. Delay, cancel or put out additional signs or marshals

  If an accident occurs firstly ensure the safety of other riders.
An accident report form must be completed and sent to the District Secretary as soon as possible.
After the event Notify the riders of their times. For any doing personal bests they will need to know the course number and the winners time should they wish to compete in an open event.
  Payment of levies. The levy is £3 per rider in a club event. Ensure that your records of riders is kept up to date and send the total levy to the treasurer very shortly after your last event.