List of Time Keepers

The District is very short of time keepers and we are supported by a very select few.  Please be considerate of your time keepers and keep them informed of what is going on.  One very good reason for not having multiple events at a weekend is to reduce the load on our limited number of time keepers.

If you want to be a time keeper and help out sport it is relatively simple to become one, although it does take a bit of time.  Simplistically:

  • Support your club weekly events by doing the start and shadowing the time keeper
  • Act as your club start time keeper
    (There is no set number of events that you need to do this for but this could be for  5 - 10 events to gain confidence and have your club time keeper approve you)
  • Put your name forward to District for approval for start time keeping
  • Start Time Keep some Open Events
  • Shadow / Help your club Finish Time Keeper
  • Shadow / Help at Open Finish Time Keepiing
  • Put your name forward to District for approval as a qualified Time Keeper
  • Occasionally there may be a Time Keepers course run and clubs have been notified of this in the past.  If any are run in future they will be advertised.

Some notes on time keeping were produced by Peter Rogers to aid time keepers and as a supplement to the guidance on CTT main website. course notes Ver1.1.pdf

TIMEKEEPERS replace (at) with @ for email addresses

Sue Andrews

76 Greenway Lane, Chippenham, Wilts. SN15 1AF

sue.andrews575 (at)

01249 659359

Paul Arayan

1 The Heritage, Camerton, Bath BA2 0AU

Not on Internet
Paul has indicated he wishes to step back from time keeping for personal reasons

01761 472119

Bridget or Ian Boon

76, Hill Street, Kingswood, Bristol BS15 4EX

bridgetboon579 (at) 01179 854973

Chris Broad-Drake

7 Kerrs Way, Wroughton, Swindon, Wiltshire SN4 9EJ

ceebeedee. cbd (at) gmail. com

07855 406 547

Dennis Davis

182 Bradford Road, Combe Down, Bath BA2 5DA

dennisdavis (at) fastmail. fm

01225 834821

Andy Greatwood

13 Cranmore Close, Trowbridge BA14 9BU

andy. greatwood (at) gmail. com

07763 812105

Mike Hallgarth

Wotton Under Edge

admin (at) timetriallingforum. co. uk

01454 294735

Angie Nicholls

26 Northbrook Road, Cannington, Bridgwater TA5 2JY


07766 447189

Doug Gale


douggale1 (at)

07880 555313

Peter Rogers

Sunnymeade, Sparrow Hill Way, Weare, Axbridge BS26 2LA

peter. cyclist (at) zen. co. uk

07774 782930

Malcolm Grainger

65 Cherston Court, Barnwood, Gloucester, GL4 3LE

MM.Grainger (at) BTinternet. com

01452 610295

Rob Hutchinson

1 Kingsmill, Stoke Bishop, Bristol, BS9 1BZ

rob.hutchinson8 (at)


Marianne Streather   pdqcyclecoaching (at) 07921377171

Tony Emery

17 South Street, Uley, Dursley, Glos GL11 6JF

tony (at) emtran. co. uk


Philippa Crocker

5 North Street, Wikwar, Gloucester, GL12 8NQ


01454 294735

Ian James

30 Grange Avenue, Hanham, Bristol BS15 3PE

ianmjames (at) metronet. co. uk

0117 9614675

Martin McGreary




Don Muir


donmuir (at)


Carl Puckett




John Roberts Dursley RC jlroberts5921 (at)  
Richard Warren Richard has moved to West District from London West where he did start/finish for Reading CC.
He may be contacted via Bath CC or Paul Winchcombe.
He wants to do a few West District events before being qualified as a full time timekeeper

Paul Winchcombe

Note: Paul races most weekends so his availability is very low

timetrials (at)


Mary-Jane Hutchinson

1 Kingsmill, Stoke Bishop, Bristol, BS9 1BZ

mary_jane.hutchinson (at)

Newly Trained Assistant Timekeepers - Need to "shadow" other timekeepers for a couple of events before being approved to do "Starts"

Andy Cook


andy (at)


Ian Potts


pottsey9 (at)


Tony Stroud-Lewis


tony.stroud-lewis (at)