Club Events Calendar

Clubs must submit their Type B events to West DC for approval.  Approved events then appear on the list of Club Event.  Club events are uploaded to the CTT website using the .csv file import.  The validation rules are below but clubs do continue to fill in their .csv files slightly differently the presentation of the information is not consistent. The main impact is on the "Name" of the event field. Clubs may wish to edit these entries to make them make more sense.

Events and other details can also be seen at

Date Time    Name    Club Name    Course    Distance    Details    Price    Capacity    Come And Try    Sign on location

Date field to be filled in with format:

Time format to be filled in with:

Name of the event e.g. Sporting, Boxing Day Special, Joint Series with A.N. Other Club, etc
If this is blank then there will be no event name or title    

Club Name
Club name to be exactly as it appears in the CTT database    

Approved CTT Course Code
Will accept Uxx/xx    

There must be a distance in "miles". For Hill Climbs put "1 miles"    

Any special details    

Price in format:

A number is required in this field. All clubs were set to 60 for 2021    

Come and Try It
Either put:
1 for not a CATI
0 for a CATI
(This is counter intuitive but putting "0" in the first import made all club events a CATI.)    

Sign On Location
Any special instructions for the sign on location


Example Club Event Entry:
30/06/2021    18:30    Chippenham Wheelers Evening Time Trials: Jack Nunn 50    Chippenham & District Wheelers    UC864    50 miles    Registration closes 1800. 20 minute ride to start    £5.00    60    0    Sign on at Queen's Field by 18:00 hrs