CTT West District

Welcome to West DC.  Please explore this site and find out about the District, its clubs and officials.  If you want to assist as a Committee Member, as a timekeeper, as a marshal for events or as an event organiser; please do just ask.

Welcome to CTT West District

Please note with the changes to the CTT website many of the links provided on these pages no longer work.  I will update the links once the full functionality of the website has been restored but that may take till the end of March 2025.

Also please note that although CTT provides an enquiry function it does not alert the admin to the message.  Therefore messages to the enquiry box may well go unseen for a very long time.

Welcome to the West District time trial website. Access to the District's pages can be either from within the main Cycling Time Trials (CTT) web site via the Discover/Districts route on the home page or by direct link http://west.ctt.org.uk/. This site will be automatically linked to the main CTT website for all the information that is held nationally like events and club lists but there will also be content that is added locally by the committee. An example of the information that has been added locally is the list of club events that have been applied for by each club, local regulations, general advice for running open and club events and course restrictions.  Our existing district website is now not maintained and only exists to allow the committee email system to continue to function (this will cease in 2024). A huge thank you must go to David Notley who has maintained the site since it's inception and has served the district well over many years.
CTT are the national governing body for the promotion of time trials in England and Wales. The country is divided up into legislative districts, the West District covering North and South Somerset, Wiltshire, North and South Gloucestershire, some of Dorset and Oxfordshire. The full boundary is detailed in "About" tab above.  For further information about CTT on a national level, and about other districts, go to the main CTT web site https://www.cyclingtimetrials.org.uk/.
We currently have 78 registered clubs and access to some great courses.  We offer open events at distances from 10 miles to 100 miles.  These occur on every weekend from March through to September and are backed up by approximately 150 "club" events that take place mostly on weekday evenings.  So whatever your riding experience and preference, you're sure to find an event to suit. The District also hosts the Western Time Trial Association (WTTA) Hardriders Series and the WTTA Hill Climb Series.
For access to other information the CTT have a District Website for West District.  Please explore the West District site, where most information is hosted via the "About&...

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Welcome to West DC.  Please explore this site and find out about the District, its clubs and officials.  If you want to assist as a Committee Member, as a timekeeper, as a marshal for events or as an event organiser; please do just ask.

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